Why The Number Seven?

Today, our generator still down and not being capable of pumping tanks on board yet, after moving around about 60 scuba tanks and doing what has to be done every morning to prepare for a diving day with over 20 divers on board, we went off for Koh Rin and North Rock, two of my favorite coral dives in the area.

On board we had Brandon, who has done his PADI Open Water Diver and Advanced Diver courses with us a few years ago. A contractor like I used to be, he has spent a few years in Afghanistan and Iraq working for the same company I used to. He has decided to semi-retire in Thailand and wants to do his Rescue course, Divemaster course and Instructor Development course with us. It’s been around two years since he has last been diving, with the exception of a seven day live-aboard cruise in the Similans around a year ago.

The first dive we decided to try a slightly different course than we normally do on Koh Rin. We did a one way dive from the south-east side of Koh Rin to the south-west side and it really turned out to be a great dive, with great corals, loads of fish, a moray eel that was definitely behaving in a strange way and had a swollen eye on one side. It is an area very few people dive on and no boats moor on so it turned out to be quite a pristine dive site.

After lunch, we did a dive on North Rock. I really did not expect it to be an exceptional dive as the currents were picking up but as it happened when we dove down to 14 meters we found 3 Bamboo Sharks under a coral rock. Then we went down to around 16 meters and found and found another one. Then we went to 18 meters, now in what I call the Octopus’ Garden and found and found 2 more Bamboo Sharks under an other coral rock. By this time I am thinking “Wow, I have given this guy a great dive!!” and on our way towards the island and shallower depths we found yet another Bamboo Shark, again under a coral. Seven Bamboo Sharks found on one dive!! Great!!!

The really unfortunate thing about this is that I had my underwater camera on board and was too lazy to take it with me. But, Brandon was with me and has Christianized me as the “Shark Whisperer” and can confirm this story.

Why the number seven? Look at my last post of Freshy finding seven Seahorses on one dive. I hope seven is a lucky number!!! Let’s go diving!

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