I Own A Scuba Diving Shop! Why?

Why do I persist and keep trying to make a dive shop in Pattaya with a dive boat work? If anyone really knew all the problems with doing that and what it entails, then they would think I’m out of my mind!!

Running a scuba diving operation is the farthest thing from business 101 as you can possibly get. It is an expensive hobby to have; and even more expensive to run!  You charge big money to your divers, but pay more.  To begin with, there are visas and work permits.

There are secretaries, instructors, good captains and boat boys, cooks, maintenance people, transportation, and employee problems,  There is diesel to pay for (a big one), and compressor rebuilds and filter changes every week (another big one), and equipment maintenance, rent and electricity, insurance, coffee and tea, toilet paper, fresh water, and drinking water.   I’m definitely forgetting some things as there are many more things to worry about; and of course the most important thing, Beer…

Seriously, we put through our dive operations system a lot of money, but little money stays behind. Why do I do it? I’ll tell you why!

It’s because I get to influence so many people’s lives and how they think about their whole life, through diving – Stop, Breath, Think then Act. That carries through all life, underwater or on land.  I have made soooooo…. many true friends through this ” ‘business’, ‘activity’, ‘life style’ “, that I could simply not image myself anywhere else!!!

Thanks to all of you!!

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